Holzspecht Tungsten Wooden Ring
Exquisite and fine in its lines, the Tungsten Ring VERITATE impresses with its three-part design: a delicate, dark wood inlay is the heart of the ring. It is framed by a narrower and a wider Tungsten section in a pleasantly warm rose color. With this, the ring brings you timeless elegance.

Emphasize your uniqueness
Let yourself be inspired by this elegance and emphasize your true uniqueness with the Tungsten Ring VERITATE. The star Veritate, which gives its name to Holzspechts Tungsten Ring Veritate with its delicate wooden inlay, is part of the Andromeda constellation.
Natural Truth
Veritate is a particularly large star. Therefore, it is visible to the naked eye on moonless nights, even though it is approximately 249 light years from the sun. The name Veritate is derived from the Latin word “veritas”, meaning truth. Show your true uniqueness with your preicous Tungsten Ring VERITATE.